It is given: the insufficient maintenance of selenium in ground and food, capable to cause a problem with health. It is required: to create a preparation of selenium which would correctly compensate this lack and would be safe at correct application. The decision of a problem: domestic preparation Selenobel on the basis of the patented substance, not having analogues in territory of the CIS and the near abroad. And now – about all this things more detailed.
The universal soldier
Selenium concerns to microcells which play the important role in maintenance of normal ability to live of our organism. However, application of biologically active additives and medical products with selenium has got special popularity only in the middle of XX century. The reason for that was obscurity of their biological properties and features of transformation in an organism of organic and inorganic forms of selenium (we shall tell about it below). Today it is known, that selenium provides nonspecific antioxidant protection – enzyme glutathioneperoxidase, neutralized free radicals, and which structure includes this microcell, is practically at all cells and biological liquids of an organism of the person. Selenium interferes with destroying influence radioactive and other kinds of radiations. It is useful at sharp and chronic intoxications, stimulates immunity and hematogenesis, is important for normal work of a thyroid gland.
Whether it is far up to China?
The thyroid gland, joints, liver and heart are most sensitive to lack of selenium. The most dangerous disease connected with deficiency of selenium in food, refers to Keshan disease (It is named for the northeastern Chinese county Keshan) and represents defeat of the myocardium, capable to lead to a lethal outcome. For our country the "suboptimum" maintenance of selenium in ground which is not accompanied by a specific pathology is characteristic, however its consequence can become decrease of anti-infectious resistence of an organism and its stability to stresses, increase of probability of cardiovascular, oncological and gastroenterological diseases. In turn, the pathology of a digestive path, a liver, the raised radiating background promote development deficiency of selenium.
Selenobel has declared itself
The most obvious way of the decision of the lifted problem conceals in itself danger. In fact most easier to use is an inorganic selenium. However in an organism it is quickly liberated, creating in one stage high concentration owing to what can render toxic influence on an organism. That’s why risk consumers of some biologically active additives, containing inorganic selenium, which manufacture is regulated by much less strict rules, than release of medicines.
As a result of four-year-old efforts of experts of RUE «Belmedpreparaty» together with colleagues from Belarusian State Medical University there was medical product Selenobel. In its basis is a patented organic substance which contains selenium and which at hit in an organism "gives" selenium gradually and in regular intervals. As a result during 24 hours the level of selenium in a blood serum remains to constants and is kept before reception of a following tablet. Selenobel has adequately passed the first serious test in the State Establishment «N.N.Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus» as means of protection of oncological patients from toxic consequences of chemotherapy. Its application was accompanied by authentic decrease in frequency of undesirable reactions from heart, a liver and kidneys, complaints to the general weakness, a headache, vomiting. Besides results of research have allowed to assume strengthening of antitumoral effect of spent therapy. However, the given property of selenium demands the further clinical studying.
Selenobel is recommended to accept for prevention and treatment of selenic insufficiency; at influence on an organism of adverse factors (radiating, chemical, biological) of an environment; as preventive maintenance of displays of toxic effects of rates polychemotherapy malignant tumours.
(Leonid Vasilev, magazine «Aptekar’»)