
Within the period from May 23 to May 25, RUE "Belmedpreparaty" took part in the Belarusian-Russian scientific-practical conference "Domestic antitumor drugs" with international participation.

RUE "Belmedpreparaty" has acted as the general sponsor and one of the organizers of the conference along with the Belarussian State University, Federal State Institution “Russian Oncology named after NN Blohin Scientific Center", Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N.N.Aleksandrov, Institute of physico-chemical problems BSU, BSU enterprises "Unitechprom" and "Unidragmet", the Institute of Bioorganic chemistry of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of organic synthesis named after I. A. Postovsky Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

To participate in the conference about 250 scientists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Denmark were registrated.

The main topic for discussion was the new dosage forms of anticancer drugs, the technology of pharmaceutical substances and finished dosage forms, clinical and experimental tumor chemotherapy, biotherapy of malignant tumors, molecular oncology, nano oncology and prophylactic drugs in oncology.

The reports of deputy general director for innovative development T.V. Trukhacheva, deputy head of the quality control management S.V. Shlyakhtin and head of the department of development of pharmaceutical substances technologies K.A. Frolenkov have been included in the section "Organization of industrial production of anticancer drugs" and " Photodynamic therapy".

During the conference in the lobby of the BSU Lyceum worked exhibition "Antitumor and diagnostic preparations," now where   the enterprise presented exposition and related anticancer drugs. All participants were provided  with portfolios with informational and promotional items.

The final event of the conference was the tour in a new workshop of the company where production of anti-tumor drugs is located. The company was visited by leading oncologists of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The chief engineer of the company A.Y. Grigoriev and Deputy General Director of production S.I. Adamovich   have shown to scientists the whole process of production in detail, which, beginning with the design work, corresponding to the European requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP).

At the end of the tour, a friendly lunch was given. With the speech by General Director of RUE "Belmedpreparaty". After that, sitting at the round table industrialists and academics have discussed the prospects of cooperation together.